The “Unmasked” timeline

2022: With my brother Michael brainstorming some composition ideas

2022-2023: The writing process was long and tedious and involved a lot of solitary time, sibelius, and voice recorder.

2020-2021: Conducted interviews and learned about various perspectives of quarantine life and drafted up the first script.

2023: Performing songs from the show at different venues. First pictured at “the Lambs” and the 2nd picture is taken at “the Birdland.”


2020: Inspiration Period- This photo serves as a documentation of the fateful night of “One Last Epic Bang!”

with my cousin Maggie who inspired vignette 4 about Family Life.

2023: Hired and worked with Heather Bennett to notate and arrange all of my music.

2022: In the industry this step is referred to as a Table Read and for this this event I just asked friends to read my play for the first time.

2023: The next step in the “Unmasked” journey was to have a fully musicalized concert version of the show;


2023: The first official “Unmasked” event was a concert of all of the music from the show interspersed with personal narration.

The full production in Alaska

2023: Community read: Assigned parts and read through entire show.

2023-2024: The audition and rehearsal process involved casting the show and preparing for a 2 week run in March.

March 2024: IT’S SHOWTIME! Alaska Developmental Run

Exhibiting my directorial stance durintg the process of watching my show come to life!

Going through the music and blocking for this production.


Me and a few members of the cast celebrating after a successful opening night.

The Moments finale featuring everyone on stage.